I was born on the 2nd of June 1958, in Rome where I live, after
the technical study I joined the Italian army and served as officer in the anti-aircraft
artillery with HAWK-missiles.
geared up
as a 1949/50 De Havilland 100 Vampire
pilot: Italian AirTex "E" helmet, H mask, Mk VIII
goggles and 2 piece Giusti flightsuit.
After the military
service I start to work ,in the government electricity department (ENEL) as system and
network manager in the Dispatched Control Center of Rome.
Alberto is
shown in his 1952 F-84G pilot set:
"Marus" flight suit, P-1A helmet, MS22001 mask,
B-18 parachute and B-8 life preserver
In 1989 I started to
study in order to earn my pilot license, and now I am flying on all the aircraft of the
local aero club included the SF-260 used by the primary air academy school. I started to
collect helmet from 1989 and now my collection is of more than 100 helmets, many of them
with goggles,o2 mask.
next to a Fiat G-59 Trainer/Fighter
and in his Giusti flightsuit, Salvator parachute
and Italian leather helmet.
I collect flight gear
from all the world and age ,and I'd like to make some trades with other collectors
especially in Europe due the recent restrictions to export this gears from USA.
Alberto |